Sculpture et parasites #2 : ébouage et orpaillage
- Les Serres
23 March 2024 to 11 May 2024Where
- Les Serres
© Florian Pugnaire, MEURTRIERE, 2012, Cimaise en plâtre, sangle à cliquet - dimensions variables
Chapter 2: Ebouage & Orpaillage: 24/03 - 12/05/24
By bringing together different generations of artists, the exhibition explores the current and future nature of sculpture. The sculptures are tested in terms of their materiality, space, and the history of the greenhouses (the suggestiveness of the glass panes, the pools, the metal structure and its characteristic green colour). By bringing together various artists working in a vast range of media, forms, and subjects, in this space, we will examine how sculpture can parasitise and be parasitised.
Extracting and moving: Extracting a rubbish bin from the street and placing it in the greenhouses. Signifying a gutter by its absence. Turning a tyre into skin. Once in a new environment, each extraction raises questions about an object removed from its architecture, its environment and its context.
Artists : - Céline Prignon (M1 ARBA) - Maureani Van den Haute (M1 ARBA) - Prune Perris (M2 ARBA) - Zoé Lemoine (M2 ARBA) - Nine Perris (alumna ARBA) - Dimitri Autin (Alumni ARBA) - Anita Molinero - Jean Katambayi - Florian Pugnaire