19:00 start livestream NEPTUNIAN MAXIMALISM
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Fri. 23 Apr, 2021Where
Belgium's NEPTUNIAN MAXIMALISM (aka NNMM) is a community of “cultural engineers” with a variable line-up, mixing drone metal with spiritual free jazz and psychedelic music.
The project was initiated in 2018 by multi-instrumentalist Guillaume Cazalet (Czlt, Jenny Torse, Aksu), who brought together veteran saxophonist Jean Jacques Duerinckx (Ze Zorgs) and two drummers, Sebastien Schmit (K-Branding) and Pierre Arese (Aksu). In 2020, Stephane FDL and Lukas Bouchenot took the drums. Reshma Goolamy (bass), Romain Martini (guitar), Alice Thiel (synths, guitar), Joaquin Bermudez (saz, setar), Didié Nietzche (soundscapes) and Leslie V. (black magic scenography) joined in 2019, thus changing the band into a real drone orchestra.By exploring the evolution of the human species, NEPTUNIAN MAXMALISM question the future of the living on Earth, propitiating a feeling of acceptance for the conclusion of the so called "anthropocene" era and preparing us for the incoming “probocene” era, imagining our planet ruled by superior intelligent elephants after the end of humanity. As Guillaume Cazalet explains, “for certain scientists, if we hadn't rule the Earth, elephants were supposed to be at the top of the pyramid of terrestrial life.”
The ambitious album trilogy of “Éons” is a musical experience of gargantuan proportions where each chapter is part of a fascinating ritual, a cosmic mass of light and darkness recalling the works of SUNN O))), EARTH, ALUK TODOLO, ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE, SWANS, MOTORPSYCHO, SUN RA and the late JOHN COLTRANE
Du 15 avril au 20 mai, les mois d'avril et mai au Botanique sont placés sous le signe des résidences d'artistes. Plusieurs groupes belges auront l'occasion de travailler leurs nouveaux projets dans des conditions optimales. A défaut de pouvoir vous accueillir dans nos salles, nous vous proposerons des concerts exclusifs en live stream depuis notre page Facebook à la fin de chaque résidence. Vous pouvez également soutenir le travail de ces artistes en faisant un don. Ces dons seront intégralement reversés à chacun·e des artistes. Un bon moyen de soutenir la scène locale !
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19:00 start livestream NEPTUNIAN MAXIMALISM
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