May 2020
  • Rotonde

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This concert has been CANCELLED because of the current Covid-19 situation.
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The '200 bpm orgasm music' duo returns for a potent blend of gabber, footwork and Indonesian dance music


Fri. 1 May, 2020


  • Rotonde
It can be pulverizing, uplifting and terrifying, sometimes all at once.
Resident Advisor

Following a standout performance at CTM 2019, and a recent invitation to Tasmania's Dark Mofo extravaganza, Bali-based duo Gabber Modus Operandi return to Europe this fall for a string of dates between end of September and mid October, including Krakow's Unsound Festival. The soon-to-be infamous duo promise potent, unusual fusions of “the sacred, the stupid, and the fun,” exhibiting a penchant for any and all things outrageous.

Gabber Modus Operandi are DJ and producer Kasimyn and fashion designer/MC Ican Harem. After cutting their teeth at local parties and punk gigs in Denpasar, the two bonded together to experiment with and amalgamate the evil energies of gabber, driving rhythms of footwork, percussive patterns of funkot (an Indonesian dance music subgenre), and wildness of jathilan (a traditional Indonesian trance dance in which spirits possess a dancer’s body, challenging one to become more animal and more wild). These ventures can be heard in their singular productions of what they term “200 bpm orgasm music.”

Debut release Puxxximaxxx was released via influential Indonesian imprint Yes No Wave in fall 2018. Their captivating performances combine their high-energy sound with a strong stage presence, extreme vocals, costumes and banners, as well a video backtrack that showcases the duo's interest in Indonesia's anarchic street cultures.

Gabber Modus Operandi | Nyege Nyege Festival: Day
Gabber Modus Operandi – Kon [SBKT029]
La révélation pop gothique Mathilde Fernandez, et Paul Seul, co-fondateur du collectif parisien Casual Gabberz
Les Inrocks

Ascendant Vierge

Ascendant vierge (which can be translated as "virgo rising") is the moniker of Mathilde Fernandez and Paul Seul, the co-founder of Casual Gabberz. Despite having release only two songs, they're already considered the hottest duo on the French-Brussels scene. Boasting a rare hard dance, rave beats and lyrical-goth pop combination, they will present their new EP at Les Nuits with an A/V show. Don't miss out!

ascendant vierge - Faire Et Refaire [Official Video] [LFEK009]
May 2020

Extra information

This concert has been CANCELLED because of the current Covid-19 situation.
Tickets will be refunded. Ticket holders will be contacted by email.
Please follow the instructions in this email if you purchased your ticket.s at our reception desk.
