Faux Real - Daisy Ray
- Witloof Bar
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19:30 doors open (Witloof Bar)20:00 Daisy Ray
21:00 Faux Real
We are happy to announce that customers can once again enjoy a meal before going to the concert. Our restaurant will be open exclusively on concert days and will be serving a diverse selection of food between 6:30 PM and 9 PM.
Tue. 28 May, 2024Where
- Witloof Bar
Botanique"En passe de sortir leur premier album, les deux frères reviennent avec un nouveau morceau à dominance avant-pop, tout aussi flamboyant qu’audacieux."
It's hard to pin down Faux Real. The Franco-American duo, comprised of brothers Elliott and Virgile Arndt, have been steadily broadening the scope of their project. Their high-octane DIY performances, involving matching cut-up boiler suits lined with fringe, barefoot dance routines, and crowd-splitting high-kicks, are taking on a more established and ever more unhinged form — think Iggy Pop meets campy Eurodance boyband.
Faux Real act as a duo of alternative jesters infiltrating the pop space. Toeing the line between undeniable pop potential and an off-kilter flair lies at the core of everything they do. The contradictions between order and chaos, between the visceral and the artificial — that’s where Faux Real truly shines. That said, no one really knows what is real and what is faux, and that’s the magic of it all.
Daisy Ray, compositrice et interprète d'origine belge, compte bien vous emmener dans une joyeuse aventure . Explorant tous les genres, elle chante les oiseaux et les abeilles, les chiens qui aboient et la recherche de la paix. En entrant dans l'univers sonore de Daisy - découpé, recraché, tordu ou vissé - ce que ses chansons ont en commun, c'est qu'elles ne sortent jamais droites.
Daisy Ray vient de sortir son premier single « Shuff » et prépare « Shelly », sa première sortie sur le label Heatcrimes. « Shelly » sortira le 30 mai 2024.
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19:30 doors open (Witloof Bar)20:00 Daisy Ray
21:00 Faux Real
We are happy to announce that customers can once again enjoy a meal before going to the concert. Our restaurant will be open exclusively on concert days and will be serving a diverse selection of food between 6:30 PM and 9 PM.