- Rotonde
19:30 Doors - 20:00 Annabel Lee - 21:15 ENDZ
Belgian nineties throwback supergroup with heavy grooves and shoegaze guitars
Sat. 9 Oct, 2021Where
- Rotonde
Almost three years after the release of ‘Shake’, ENDZ is back with ‘Harmed’. The album was recorded –on the edge– at the Breakglass Studio in in Montreal under the super-supervision of Jace Lasek (The Besnard Lakes, Suuns, Land Of Talk, Wolf Parade, Patrick Watson, The Luyas) with the help of several musicians from the thrilling Montreal musical scene.
Crossing the Atlantic has propelled the cluttered minds of Fab Detry, Loïc b.o. and Kevin P (future past members of Austin Lace, Flexa Lyndo, Fabiola, He Died While Hunting…) into a dizzying spiral. The band focused on the trio’s very essence: sharp guitars turning into shoegaze patches, a groovy bass guitar taking unexpected turns, moody drums giving hugs and slaps, naive vocals and pop melodies putting up a smokescreen on the whole thing.
A wound is always hidden within the most melodic parts of ‘Harmed’: the outside world, between constant aggression and nonsense, inspires every word and is reflected in the music. Would this album be abstractly political? Maybe. Undoubtedly.

Annabel Lee
Formed in Brussels in 2016 by the bubbly Audrey Marot, Annabel Lee is a garage pop band that has no qualms ploughing into grunge or punk when heads start bobbing somewhat too sluggishly. Beyond sounding absolutely badass, this modern western moniker alludes to a fierce femininity that won’t think twice before throwing kicks right where it hurts, only to smile melancholically at the sun minutes later.
Beams of sunshine drench every track on Wallflowers, their debut EP (out June 2nd on Luik Records). A mix of candour, lucidity, bluntness, and post-adolescent cynicism, pervading Audrey’s half-crystal-clear, half-jaded vocals, and that can be found in Australian artist Courtney Barnett or Californian duo Best Coast.
The gang was initially made of Audrey (vocals-guitar), Charles-Antoine (Mountain Bike’s hard-hitter), and Vankou (Animal Youth, Black Sheep). The happy little posse recorded its debut EP in a pony club nestled in the Hainaut province. Mountain Bike’s Aurélien stopped by to add a layer of shimmering guitars, which give Wallflowers its “beach bitch” vibe. A recent reshuffling saw Charles-Antoine hand over drumming duties to Alexandre De Bueger (Alaska Gold Rush) and Valérian’s arrival as second guitarist. The band’s now ready for the coolest stages of the country (Botanique, Vecteur, Atelier 210,…).
19:30 Doors - 20:00 Annabel Lee - 21:15 ENDZ