Bota Kids : Dan San
The Belgian band are back with a collection of tracks as pure as they are timeless
Sun. 29 Sep, 2024Where
- Museum
Bota Kids: a unique cultural morning for young audiences.
Well-known for its programme of concerts and art exhibitions, the Botanique is continuing to develop the 'Bota Kids' project, an introduction to music and the visual arts for the youngest, enabling them to discover the world of concerts and exhibitions at their own level. It's a real opportunity for children to discover what their parents usually come to see in our glass house, through a specially adapted formula.
After spending time perfecting their sound, Dan San's comeback is right on time. Seven years after the release of Shelter, the Belgian outfit makes a dazzling return with Grand Salon. This long-awaited third album marks a contrast to the insane rhythm of hurried lives through a collection of accessible, distinct and timeless tracks.
For the final recordings the group withdrew to La Frette close to Paris. This old manor, converted into a recording studio, holds a special place in the history of modern pop. Feist, Patrick Watson, Timber Timbre, Idles, Parcels and Arctic Monkeys have all recorded many songs here. In spring 2021, in the heart of this musical Mecca, the Belgian group also pulled together its aspirations inside the grand lounge. The elegance of this room, its cornices and their extremely refined curves, provided a vintage setting to the sessions recorded with producer, Yann Arnaud (Phoenix, Air & Syd Matters). With the benefit of his experience and his strong sensitivity, the latter advocates purity and has guided Dan San towards new summits.
Under its Francophile title, Grand Salon does not hide its ambitions nor its preference for typically Anglo- Saxon sounds. Away from the hype and listening algorithms, the musicians have taken refuge in their personal classics. Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel, Neil Young or Nick Drake are all references for understanding the DNA of this new album. A renewed passion for The Beatles from the Peter Jackson documentary, as well as the Geoff Emerick biography, also fed the musicians' creativity. Although the themes explored in Grand Salon unquestionably reflect 2023, Dan San's music readily deviates from any chronology, breathing life into timeless melodies.
L'exposition _ Narcosis
Dans une combinaison moulante en néoprène, noire, flexible, à 34,3 mètres sous surface, quelque chose rend le temps malléable. L’espace abyssal s’étire. Sous le masque, l’ivresse a un goût d’azote. L’exposition rassemble des œuvres d’Esther Denis, Luna Duchaufour-Lawrance, Gabrielle Lerch, Clara Rivault, Cléo Totti et des Æthers, entre pratiques millénaires et nouveaux médias. Corps-coraux, membres liquéfiés, ectoplasmes et objets animés deviennent les témoins d’autres temporalités.
L'animateur_Paul Gérard
Paul Gérard est un artiste plasticien vivant et travaillant à Bruxelles. Il est diplômé de l’ENSAV La Cambre. Sa pratique artistique s’oriente vers l’installation multimédia (son, vidéo, photo, sculpture, performance…). Son travail se penche principalement sur la mémoire enfouie des lieux, les secrets de familles et les non-dits sociétaux.